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The average cost of producing and filming the MTO episodic series is $15-20K for every three episodes. Once filming is completed it costs another $10-20K for post production: editing, coloring, sound design, sound mixing, music etc. 

We will be completing the MTO episodic with episodes 7-9 filming between
2022-2023 once we have enough in the bank to proceed!

More Than Only is currently setup to take donations, one time or re-occurring through Patreon, PayPal or by mail. All donations made go directly towards the cost of filming and post-production on the current project. Once a project is paid off all donations made start toward the next series. 

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Make a PayPal Donation!

Pledge between $5-1K per month to receive a welcome gift and first look access to our newest

posts and videos!

Every payment tier comes with different kinds of rewards

and access. Check it out! 

Thank you, to all of our donors!

Some of our donors have chosen to remain anonymous

* $100+/ month donors

Adam Waring
Agnes Von Garnier

Andrea Kidd

Andreja Knavs Stok

Athan Marzen

Bill Garlin *
Blandine Bouvier 

Bob Turnure
Brad Chill
Brian Attard

Brian Scott

Bryan Beier

Bryan Hackler

C. Kupfer

Chuck Stanley 

Claire Battersby
Curtis J. Daniel

Craig Brush
David Sacher

Deborah Burley

Diane Davis

Douglas Recher

Dwayne Knechel

Dwayne Schmidt

Erna Martin

Ezra Bangun

Frank Stjerne
Gary Bacchetti
Glen Foster

Gregory Mobley

Heather Kirkpatrick

Henry Littleton 

Jason Bryan
Jason Hodge

JC Benito-Fern

JC Nguyen 

Jean-Michael Garcia

John Whiteley 

Ken Stephen 

Kevin ONeil

Kevin S.

Lex Thoms

MacKenzie Family
Madison Jensen

Matthew Szeto

Michael Allee 
Michael Gold *

Peter Byrne 
Peter VanDongen

Raymond Quinata 
Ricardo Larrondo

Ricardo Siaca

RJ Spurrill
Rob Lewington
Rod Sales 

Sara Scharschmidt 

Stephanus Surjaputra

Stephen Schmidt
Stephen Wuerch
Steven L. Baum

Shirley Benedict

Thomas Canty *
Thomas Romack
TX Steven
Victoria Gentile 

Vincent Cole
William Kozerski
Yev Lev

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